If you’re able to walk after Thanksgiving dinner, plus seconds, plus dessert, plus dessert seconds, and maybe even one more round of dessert seconds (no judgement), you should take advantage of the rest of the evening with your family. And we don’t mean sitting around the house either! The opening night of the Santa Claus Land of Lights – Family Christmas Light Adventure is Thanksgiving evening or you can visit with Santa at the Santa Claus Christmas Store from 4:00-10:00 pm CT.
There’s more family fun to be had throughout the rest of the weekend. Here’s the ultimate Thanksgiving Weekend itinerary and how you can bring in the holiday season with a bang:
Stop into Santa’s TOYS and enjoy 10% off everything in the store! In a store of over 2,500 specialty and STEM toys, we’re sure you’ll find something to cross off the kids’ Christmas lists. Need some ideas? Check out Santa’s TOYS top toy picks here.
While you’re in a shopping mood, you can also visit Evergreen Boutique & Christmas Shop. Located less than a minute from Santa’s TOYS, you can browse an adorable selection of contemporary apparel, accessories, and home décor. Get an idea of their product offering here. They’ll be hosting an open house with wine tasting from 4:00-7:00 pm CT.
Didn’t get to stop in Santa’s TOYS yesterday? No problem, they’re continuing their 10% off everything deal in honor of Small Business Saturday, too.
After that, take a drive out to Santa’s Candy Castle. The kids can Chat with and Elf on the North Pole Network. While you’re there, choose from 33 different, delicious hot chocolate flavors or try their famous frozen hot chocolate.
Later that evening, from 6:00-8:00 pm CT, you can roast chestnuts over a cozy fire, a timeless Christmas tradition.
Visit with Santa at the Santa Claus Christmas Store and let him know what’s on your Christmas list. While you’re there, make sure to browse their selection of over 4,000 ornaments or try some of their delectable fudge varieties!
Then, swing by the Santa Claus Museum & Village and write a letter to Santa…ya know, just in case he forgets what was on your list! After all, Santa gets visits from children almost every day during the holidays.
Don’t want to pick just one day? Stay the weekend and enjoy all the festivities! There are several local lodging options.